Jazz and Music
From And For Today

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Welcome! (SWR140)


This CD is a cooperation with the Jewish Welcome Service. The compositions were created on the occasion of the production of the documentary film “40 Jahre Jewish Welcome Service” (40 Years of the Jewish Welcome Service). The printed publication of the same name contains 40 short stories about the lives of Holocaust survivors and their descendants. Their stories give an impression of the Nazi terror of the time, of the hardships of fleeing, the difficulties of survival, as well the many ways in which they encounter and face the City of Vienna upon returning again as visitors, decades after escaping.

Dedicated to the founder of the JWS, Leon Zelman: “I wanted to reconcile Jews with a city that had overcome the shadows of its past.“



Roman Britschgi Ensemble


Aliosha Biz                  Violin

Jelena Poprzan          Viola

Melissa Coleman       Violoncello

Andreas Pranzl           Trumpet, Flügelhorn

Oscar Antolí               Bass Clarinet, Bb & Eb Clarinet

Christian Bakanic       Accordion, Bandoneon

Roman Britschgi         Double Bass, Electric Bass, Electronics

Maximillian Kanzler    Vibraphone, Percussion


Compositions by Roman Britschgi

Arrangements by Roman Britschgi, Andreas Pranzl

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